Scenic Villages
Authentic masterpieces from a beloved land.
Ten itineraries of excellences.
Thirty villages that tell the tale of thousands of years of history, of faith, of flavors and Ligurian passion.
They are tiny places teeming with Italian excellence and winners of awards such as the prestigious Orange Flags and “Most Beautiful Villages of Italy” awards. Ten itineraries will guide you to the discovery of never forgotten traditions and the genuine nature that makes them so special. Get ready for a multi-stop journey between beaches and sea-scented cliffs, green-forested hills and majestic mountains.
Because Liguria is this too: a collection of ever changing and unique emotions.
Intineraries map
Choose an itinerary and discover all the Ligurian Villages.
Orange Flags
and Most Beautiful
Villages of Italy
and Most Beautiful
Villages of Italy

Orange flags

Most Beautiful
Villages of Italy
Villages of Italy

when it is not one of the Scenic Villages
when it is not one of the Scenic Villages